Virginia started taking a weekly yoga class six or seven years ago. When she moved to Bermuda three years ago, she was taking two classes a week. One Saturday morning, her husband was on his scooter and was hit by a car. He had to spend six weeks in hospital healing and that was when Virginia decided when she was not with him at the hospital or helping the kids, she need to do something for herself. She promised herself she would work out every day, giver herself an hour a day on her own, and use that time to recharge, decompress and breathe. Her husband was well on the road to recovery when yoga properly grabbed hold of Virginia and she was taking at least two classes a week and some days, two classes in a day! This past summer, with the thought that she was leaving Bermuda and that age 50 was looming on the horizon, even though her fit test has her at ten years younger, Virginia decided she wanted to throw herself at something else - something new that allowed her to experience the beauty of Bermuda's outdoors. That was when she discovered paddle board yoga with Tali.
Virginia was so thrilled with what an unbelievable and challenging experience it was to do yoga on a paddle board. She adored being in the turquoise waters surrounded by gorgeous scenery all the while having an extremely challenging workout. I can't even imagine how good trying to balance on those boards must be for one's core - think I could use some paddle board yoga to train me up for next wedding season!
The memory of lying in Savasana, with her feet and hands trailing in the bath-like waters, with the warm sun on her face, the waters lapping on the board and the dance of the Longtails sweeping about overhead with be with Virginia forever.
Virginia - I do hope you find something as equally blissful yet challenging as paddle board yoga in your new home. For now, you have these wonderful memories of your journey here. xxxx
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