Elizabeth and Brendan met in college back in 1995. They didn't date until several years later, but the timing was never right for both of them. They hadn't spoken for a couple of years, and then one day, Elizabeth happened to remember that it was Brendan's birthday. She sent him a happy birthday text and things took off again from there. They started dating seriously right away and this time around, the timing was perfect. The two tied the knot before an intimate gathering of family and friends, surrounded by sweet birds singing in the lush garden setting on a sensational summer's day.
Elizabeth has been visiting Bermuda her entire life since her mother is Bermudian, and their family has been on the island for generations. When trying to think of how to accomplish having a small and intimate wedding, Brendan and Elizabeth decided marrying on the Island would be perfect. Their family friends have some beautiful homes in Warwick so they were thrilled when they found out that one with the most spectacular gardens, that is usually rented, happened to be empty on their chosen date. It was the ideal location with its sweet little enclosed garden in front of the house where they knew it would be mostly shaded - good light for me and cooler for the couple and their guests. I arrived at the beautiful property a little early to discover Nick Dill, the witty and amusing officiant was also a stickler for timing. He is the reverend at St John's Church, where Elizabeth's parents were married 43 years ago, along with all family christenings, confirmations and burials also taking place there, so this was an ideal way to continue the tradition of the family church, but with a twist - bring the church to the garden wedding!
Elizabeth found the dress at a J.Crew warehouse sale, where she had stood in line for an hour and fought with other brides just to try the gown on. What a find for it fit her like a glove and the details so elegant and unusual. And it was of course her something new.
The veil was her mother's so it was very special for her to wear and also ticked the something old box beautifully.

How divine is the wine and flowers together with the bride in the bathroom as she readies herself to walk down the aisle.
The bride's mum found these sweet fans to keep guests cool in the heat. She had the couple's names and their wedding date inscribed on each one as a keepsake of the day.
Reverend Dill told a beautiful story about a piece of rope and how the harder it is pulled, the tighter the three separate stands come together, and the stronger it is. If I remember correctly, he liked this rope to a marriage, with the different strands being the husband, the wife, and the third being God. And they grow ever stronger through tough times in a marriage because they each have the other to entwine with and get closer too and rely upon. He expresses it beautifully and I wish I could first of all remember all that he said, and then secondly share it here, but sadly, not possible when I was thinking about so many other things at the same time. Perhaps he will write it down for the couple for the wedding album.
Told you he was funny!
The bouquet and boutonnieres were done by Jane Jackson, a close childhood friend of Elizabeth's mother. So simple, summer and happy happy happy.
The proposal took place on 29th January of this year. Brendan wanted to go up to Old Rag Mountain and take some photos of the snow. In retrospect, Elizabeth realises she should have guessed then that this sounded a little fishy. But off the went up the mountain. As they walked around, Brendan was snapping away with his camera when he distractedly asked his love to reach into his camera bag and get out his flash. He told her it was in a little black box! When she pulled it out, it wasn't a flash, but instead it was her beautiful engagement ring. He proposed right there in the snow and of course the answer was yes!
The entryway and table flowers were arranged by Delight Goodfellow, another dear childhood friend of the bride's mum. I love that they all look freshly picked from the gardens at that home where the wedding took place - perhaps not the case, but look so local and fresh garden picked.
Love the tradition of these Jordan sugar coated almonds at weddings. Just feels so wedding-y!
Elizabeth's classic trinity engagement ring was picked out by Brendan without any help from his bride to be. He worked with a jeweler to design a ring that she would and does love. The bands and simple and elegant to complement the stunning diamonds.
For something borrowed, Elizabeth wore earrings that belonged to her mother. I was so excited to be able to have the time to use my macro to really capture their beauty up clse.
Another something old was this delicate handkerchief that was in the bouquet. The hankie was given to the bride by her mother's friend, Jane Jackson, whom had carried it at her own wedding many years ago.
I was a little taken with this neckline - it is so funky yet elegant - just adore simple details that make something different.
Brendan's Aunt Jane, who was unable to attend the Bermuda event, had given these sweet cufflinks to her nephew for the occasion.
The cake was done by Allison Simmons. It was a delicious rum cake and was beautifully decorated with flowers, but have to say, my favourite detail, if you couldn't tell by all the images, was the sweet little bride and groom dolls. They had been on top of Elizabeth's paternal grandparents' wedding cake. The bride and her mother stumbled upon then in a box in their basement so cleaned them up and thought they would look cute on their cake too. Also love that they are on the cake stand rather than the cake itself, like they are dancing around the cake - just something a little different.
Do you recognise the pretty red haired woman three in from the left? She is Elizabeth's cousin and was also a bridesmaid in Ashley and Will's wedding only a day apart - very busy lady!
Brendan and Elizabeth - your wedding was so intimate and I am so happy you were able to spend quality time with each person who attended. I really loved the whole feeling of your day and the garden setting was of course a little slice of heaven. Congratulations to you both and look forward to hearing when you come back to visit. xxxxx