Thursday, May 31, 2012

Red and the Wolf

Candice and Chris had done a beach shoot a few years ago which they loved, so they were excited to try something different. Candice was keen to try the Sacha Surprise concept shoot so she filled out my form and I sent back several ideas and they all went with the Red Riding Hood theme. This classic children's tale was the perfect concept since the Caitlin and Tyler are at the ideal age where they had such fun with it. Candice and her mother-in-law enjoyed creating the costumes and they are so incredible, I have begged for permission to use them again in the future. I am so smitten with these images - it makes such a difference when there is a theme and a story for the kids to play out and get lost in.

Together, Caitlin and Tyler can be very loving to each other, but they both have competitive personalities so fights occur throughout the day. Candice sometimes refers to their relationship as Jackal and Hyde... one minute they are all hugs and then the next minute they are pushing each other over.

Caitlin can be very dramatic and loves being in the spot light. Candice takes tons of photos of her so the little girl has learned how to pose in front of the camera. She is a natural born athlete and usually ranks near the top in all of her running races, though she would much rather create artwork and be in front and centre on a stage.

Tyler is the typical boy. He loves throwing rocks  into the water, catching bugs and riding his bike. He is a real "Why" kid... meaning he has to know why everything works the way that it does. His latest obsession is counting and learning how to spell words. Everyone he meets he asks them, "What's your number?" meaning how old are you? He may forget someone's name, but he will always remember their number. Candice and Chris are guessing they may have another accountant in the future following in their CPA footsteps!!

I actually photographed Chris and Candice's wedding several years ago so I have loved to watch their darling family grow since then.

Candice, Chris, Caitlin and Tyler - I absolutely loved this shoot - thank you so much for giving me so much to work with on the inspiration front. This is exactly why I created the Sacha Surprise concept shoots in the first place and you stepped up to the challenge better than I could have hoped. What a gorgeous family and such a lovely way to capture this special time in the children's lives. Love to you all xxxx

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