The McCallums decided to have photos taken for Jasper's first birthday as they had some done for Sam at the same age while visting family in Canada. Even though both boys are not fans of getting their feet sandy (they say "dirty"!), Frances and Will decided the beach was still the ideal location since they are not from Bermuda originally, but have been here for 12 years. They had heard Warwick Long Bay has the pinkest sand, and they were right, so that was where we went. Jasper actually wore the same clothes on the day of our shoot that Sam had worn for his first birthday photo shoot in Alberta so there is a sweet symmetry to the photos, but now their current home is represented as well.
Frances says she knows she is biased being his mother, but he really Sam is such a sweet boy with a gentle nature - I can vouch for that. He is shy and very cautious and risk- averse. Until recently he was not much of a climber of jumper and needs convincing to do so at times at the park - not common for little boys. He was slow to warm up to me but we were friends by the end of the shoot which always makes me happy.
Jasper is the complete opposite of his brother. He is more loud and brutish in a lovable and endearing way. His full name is Jasper Blu McCallum. His parents thought Blu was a pretty cool name (me too) but they were not sure it would be entirely fitting if he someday became a neurosurgeon so they settled on it being his second name. Plus, Sam's favourite colour is blue so they thought it would be fun to say that Sam had a hand in picking out the name. Jasper's first birthday present to himself was the gift of walking. He started crawling at 6 months and walking at 11 months.

The two brothers get along really well. Sam is the best one at making his brother laugh. He is really caring towards Jasper while Jasper is more the one that "bosses" Sam around. That said, Jasper really looks up to his big brother, as all little brothers do I suppose. Sometimes, Sam will be on the sofa with his cosy blanket and see Jasper playing. Suddenly, he will put his blanket over his head and call out to Jasper, who immediately puts on a huge smile and searches out his brother - such a fun little game! It is just lovely that they are old enough to really interact now and are playing like peers.
I think these next two shots are some of my fave sibling captures - how divine is this exchange?
Will puts in a lot of time at work, but it does not effect his relationship with the boys at all. They seem to love him more and simply maximise every moment they have with their father when he is home. They prefer to be carried by Will and just love to cuddle with him.
Frances is very fortunate to have the opportunity to stay at home with the children. She has always loved kids and having her own has just put her over the moon. And seeing Will with the boys just magnifies her love for him even further. She had always thought that she wanted a little girl before, but once she had Sam and then Jasper, she now knows she is just meant to be surrounded by handsome boys, Will included.
Will and Frances met at university and started dating in 1996 after having been friends for a couple years first, which really helped solidify their relationship. They then moved to Bermuda in 1999 and eloped to Las Vegas four years later.
Frances brought some beautiful red velvet cupcakes to celebrate Jasper's birthday. It was fascinating though as he wasn't actually that into them - definitely not like my kids that is for sure! But they were beautiful and Sam certainly picked up where Sam was lacking in devouring the delicious cakes.
Frances, Will, Sam and Jasper - I loved the shoot with you all. You are a gorgeous family (like you owe the world more gorgeous babies!) and the kids were just so sweet. I loved that you brought things to make the shoot special and the occasion itself was fabulous. So happy we met that day when poor Sam was stung by a bee and I rescued him with my homeopathic apis remedy. Looking forward to seeing you all again and perhaps capturing the family on birthdays in the future. xxxx