Keiko and Reo only did a minimal legal wedding at the New York City Hall with about ten of their friends and did not have a chance to hold a wedding reception, take wedding photos or even have a honeymoon since Keiko was pregnant with their darling daughter. After two years of marriage, and now that their little girl has grown up a bit, the couple thought it would be great timing to go on their honeymoon at last and have some wedding photos taken to commemorate the occasion and their love. Having a precious daughter and living happily, Keiko told herself many times that she was asking too much if she still wished to go on honeymoon, but Reo surprised her with his plan to go to Bermuda and do some portraits. She was so happy and touched by the idea and the trip taught them a life lesson that it is never too late to do anything and you can make it happen it you take action. They planned it all at the last minute and prepared everything in such limited time, buit it was fun and exciting and a very creative way to put everything together to embody who they are and how they love. And the best part is as soon as they returned home after their holiday in Bermuda, they discovered they are expecting their second child. It was a great surprise but made them realise all the more how their honeymoon and photo shoot was perfectly timed.

Keiko loved the look of the trees at Southlands and wanted the contrast of a forest feel back drop before they headed to the beach.
The couple brought a suitcase filled with personal items to add to the vignette I had set up. The antique camera is from Keiko's collection and was bought at a flea market in Poland while she was traveling with her family. The trip itself was present to her parents when her father retired so that memory is now in their wedding photos. The purple collage was made with a vintage postcard found in Chelsea and she added flower drawings and paper cutouts. I set up the rest of the details with the rug, suitcases and table with tea pots and goodies, while Keiko and Reo brought the tasty treats to enjoy on the shoot.
Keiko's dress was a
Watters Brides design and found at RK Bridal in New York.
These darling vintage tan gloves were found at a flea market and give the image such a romantic feel as the couple smooch behind a book of fairytales, making one of their own!
Reo's guitar is a very special and rare base guitar. It was given to him by his former band member as a gift and they decided this instrument would be the perfect visual for the shoot.
Not sure if you can see her, but Keiko is reflected in the guitar in the image below. Was such a romantic image and notion.
Keiko's up do was done by Peter at Tangles and she did her own make up.
I nearly passed out when I saw these shoes - I think they take the cake topper for being the most original bridal shoes I have ever seen! They are while wilde boar hair sandals with wooden heels by Reed Krakoff.
Reo's boutonniere was purchased from
Acadia on Etsy and was another hand made find.
Keiko's new hair piece is a Venetian lace cap with chenille dot netting and was hand made by
Jennifer Wood and found on Etsy. Her vintage earrings were her something old and were found at a flea market in Hell's Kitchen. It's a market that opens only on weekends in New York and is one of her favourite spots to find unique jewelry and vintage shoes. Her pearl necklace with the blue agate drop (her something blue) and hand woven silk thread was hand made by
Karen Daugherty and also found on Etsy.
Her gorgeous gold wring with emerald stone and pearls was borrowed from her mother in law. Reo's father, who passed away about 25 years ago, gave her the ring as a souvenir from Japan. Emerald happens to be Keiko's birthstone and she feels attached to the gem. She was lucky enough to actually be given the ring after the shoot. The sweet pearl bracelet was found at the same flea market as the earrings.
Keiko wanted a bouquet that she could keep as a wedding photo session memorabilia and found this bouquet on Etsy, hand make by
Lena Septemvri and was shipped from Greece. The sweet sash belt was found on Etsy, hand made by
Reo chose the beach location and since Bermuda is one of the places he had always wanted to visit, they chose it as their honeymoon location. They were thrilled to capture the turquoise waters, pink sands and stunning setting the Island has to offer.
Reo and Keiko's two year old daughter had made this sweet little kite. It was a tough decision to leave her in New York as they knew how much they would miss her while they were away. Since they decided to come to Bermuda just the two of them, they wanted to bring something related to he and use it as a prop in the photo shoot to show that they were with her at heart. It was the perfect prop to show what proud parents they are and give them something fun to do on the shoot. They could not go on honeymoon or take many photos at the time of their wedding since Keiko was pregnant but this way, she is shown how proud they are to be her parents.

Keiko and Reo - I was so thrilled to be able to capture your love and feelings you have shared on your honeymoon. I love the way you speak of how you are just an ordinary couple, yet this normality is what makes you feel special and that you are so thankful. Just having someone to with with about your days, to be healthy, to have a tub big enough to spend time singing and splashing with your daughter is a blessing indeed. I love that you are so grateful for simple warm meals and a table to chat over every day. Being this appreciative of all you have is, I believe, the recipe for a long and happy life and I wish you both and your growing family all the best in the future. Hope to meet your little ones one day on your next trip to Bermuda! xxxx