Pam was given a gift certificate as a baby shower present from a group of friends. She and James wanted to wait until sweet baby Ian was a little older so he could join in more with big sisters Anna and Evelyn. The timing worked out perfectly as they ended up using the session as their leaving island shoot. They left Bermuda yesterday so when they arrive in Chicago today, at least they will have these wonderful memories to relive. They definitely hope to come back, but for now, these images can tide them over.
Big sisters Anna and Evelyn adore having a baby brother and Ian loves them right back. He is always trying to keep up with the girls which is why he started walking at 10 months!
These sisters are best buddies and always happy to be together and argue very rarely.

The girls love tea parties and like to serve Pam and James. Playing restaurant is fun too so bringing a pretty blanket and some fun tea things, and of course, the flowers, really made the shoot.

I brought my fave pettiskirt tutus and some necklaces or the girls to dress up and have fun with.
Anna is sweet and gentle with such a kind heart. She adores BHS and her friends and is blue to have said goodbye for a while. She loves the water, swimming, soccer and tennis. And she is a great big sister and very like Pam in nature. She just did locks of love on Tuesday in lieu of birthday gifts.
Evelyn, so her mama says, is more of a stinker and is Pam's shadow, which is beyond lovable! She is extremely clever at putting outfits together and Pam wishes she had the same eye for detail. Evelyn loves her mother's shoes, make up and dressing up. Pam is sure the teen years will be quite the shock, but for now, she is smitten with watching how her baby girls talents are so honed. She adores Barbies, her ponies and swimming. She looks up to Anna and tries to be a lovely big sister to Ian. She is such a special little girl and is all about love love love.
Ian is such a boy - so different for Pam and James after having had two girls. All he wants to do is be outside and have some kind of ball in his hand. He worships his sisters and his parents love watching them all together. Evelyn is almost four years older than Ian, so the gap is really different in age as well as gender. Pam and James have loved experiencing all the differences in the children and how the girls are so naturally maternal with Ian.
James and Pam met in high school when he was 15 and she was 16. They were friends for a year before they started dating and haven't looked back since. They dated for five years before they were married, and just celebrated their 14th wedding anniversary. They originally moved to Bermuda in 2001 and had Anna three years later. They left the year after that and had Evelyn while back in Chicago before returning to the island in 2007 and then Ian was born last year.
I love what was going on at their feet while I was snapping away the snuggly face shots!
I think this one below is my favourite family shot out of all of them.
The girls have really fallen in love with the beach as they grew older. They used to dislike the feel of the sand and were intimidated by the water and waves, they now could be there for hours.
Pam, James, Anna, Evelyn and Ian - so sorry to see you go. Has been fun knowing you and I absolutely adored and was honoured to have captured your beautiful and loving family before you left. Thank you for sharing your love with me. Have an amazing adventure and see you on the next Bermuda installment! xxxx