This group of fabulous women were a hoot. Most of them moved to Bermuda in the autumn of 2005 and a couple others they met along the way. Years ago, they started a Splurge group. The idea was that one person had a party each month and all the girls threw some money in a pot and whomever won the loot was supposed to splurge on herself, and then host the soiree the following month. The group soon realised that the best bit was not winning the cash prize, but rather the fun they had going out all together and having crazy girls nights each month.

The theme for their very first Splurge party was "pink puffs" and everyone wore pink. This stuck and four years later, it is still their colour so they thought it would be fun to sport pink for part of their shoot.

There have been a variety of crazy nights out including a trip to Las Vegas, and a few of the girls have come and gone, but one constant the group has always had is the Hog Penny, and its star performer, Will Black. No matter what the plan is, they always somehow end up there, dancing up a storm. After four years, the group decided it would be fun to have some photos of them all together that were not taken inside the Hog Penny. A shoot at the beach seemed like it would be a wonderful memory of their times in Bermuda.

The girls also decided to have jewel toned dresses for part of their shoot as they had once, totally randomly, all worn rich shades of blues, purples and greens to dinner one night and decided it looked pretty good so they thought it would look amazing on the beach.

The group said one of the things they often do is all huddle together to share a secret and since what I like to do is capture life, we decided we should recreate a typical scene! While I was lying on the ground shooting this image, I saw through the girls legs this guy walking towards us. I was mortified to imagine what he thought we were doing, especially since I assumed he must be some yogi recluse type wandering the sand dunes behind the beach by himself.

It turned out to be their favourite entertainer, Will Black. I couldn't believe the coincidence, until they admitted that they were all so upset at the news of Will's imminent departure (his last show is on New Year's Eve) so after a few drinks in the Hog Penny the night before our shoot, Jenny and Angela thought it would be a good idea to invite him along. They say that he has been almost as big a part of Splurge as any of them.

After we released Will from his modeling duties, the girls decided that a little champagne was in order, since that is what they do - celebrate life.

I loved all their signature jewelry that they were wearing so captured some details of that too...

Thanks to all seven of you Splurging Pink Puffs - it was a fun and funky shoot and hopefully will make for some special memories for each of you.